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Tuesday, 28 August 2012

UCL symposium - October 18th

That's just an advert for the UCL Partner Biostatistics Network Symposium "Contemporary Statistical Methods in Medical Research". This is the 2nd edition; last year I organised it. In fact, at the last minute I had to fill in for one of the speakers who were supposed to give a talk and then bailed out on us.

This time I am only supposed to chair one session and, apparently, "facilitate wider participation and dissemination", which I am pretending to do by blogging about it. The session I'll chair is about Infectious disease modelling and I'm assuming that Marco (who's organising it this year) gave this to me because (hopefully; that would make my job easier...) there is some Bayesian aspects involved in the talks.

Anyway, the general idea and format are nice, I think. We identify three main areas of research in medical statistics, identify three key note speakers and three younger researchers and ask them to give longer talks on them. The whole thing is informal and, at least to go by last year, the audience tend to include clinicians, applied and methodological statisticians. 

Last year we had nearly 100 participants (which was really good). I'm not sure how the situation is in terms of places still available, but if you're reading this and are around London mid-October, drop Marco an email and see if you can join us!

1 comment:

  1. And the symposium happened. I couldn't stay for the whole of it - we had a meeting scheduled to discuss our work on the systematic review for interventions in dementia (I'll say something about this soon) - but what I did see I really liked!

    The two talks of the session I chaired were very good, I thought. Christl Donnelly gave an interesting talk on the badger cull controversy. It's not a new story, but it is incredibly interesting.

    Anne Presanis was good too - her talk was a bit more technical and probably assumed some familiarity with Bayesian stuff - but that was fine by me, actually!
