Next week I'll head to the Joint Statistical Meeting (the annual conference of the American Statistical Association), which funnily enough this year will be held in beautiful Montreal, Canada.
I've been once to Montreal for a couple of days and, despite the fact it was very, very cold (something like 3-4 degrees, despite the fact it was mid May!), we loved it.
I'll give a talk on the Regression Discontinuity Design in a very interesting session organised by Fabrizia Mealli. Not for the first time this year, I'm doing reasonably well with preparing the slides (not finished yet, but getting there)...
Today I've flipped through the programme and it looks as though there are quite a few very interesting sessions. In fact, the programme looks more interesting than the one last year - it wasn't too bad, but the few talks I really wanted to see where always clashing. For this year, there is only a (massive) clash on Tuesday afternoon, with a session on spatial stats (featuring Håvard), a session on causal inference (including Guido Imbens) and Judea Pearl's masterclass on the mathematics of causality all scheduled at the same time! I'm sure that organising the timetable for such a big event must be a nightmare, but this is just unfortunate...
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