It's nearly the Christmas break and as I was writing the previous post (on our Workshop on cost-effectiveness thresholds), I just noticed the post-counter in the blog archive. While the decrease in the number of posts from 2012 to 2013 was minimal (98 to 90), this year I seem to have been fairly lazy (at posting, that is...) - unless I frantically manage to write about 20 posts from now to the end of the year, of course, which I don't quite see happening...
I guess most of the "missing posts" (ie those I haven't written) are probably those about actually doing some stats - which are fun to do, but also take time. For instance, the other day I found some data on Italian MPs attendance which I thought would be interesting to analyse, but then didn't have the time to actually do it. So, new year's resolution (slightly in advance): try and make some time for this.
By the way: while the one in the picture is not my cat, that's exactly what he's been doing pretty much for the whole day...
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