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Monday, 19 January 2015

DIA Joint Adaptive Design and Bayesian Statistics Conference

This is my first real contribution to the ISBA Section on Biostatistics and Pharmaceutical Statistics, in my new role of secretary. Our section has formally endorsed this very interesting conference - the timeline is very short, as the conference will start on February 11th.

The conference has two very interesting tutorials (the first one on Bayesian Methods for Drug Safety Evaluation and Signal Detection, given by David Olhsen and Amy Xia; and the second one on Use of Historical Data in Clinical Trials, taught by Heinz Schmidli). There'll also be other interesting talks and discussion.

In the Biostats/Pharma section, we'll try to organise (either directly, or through endorsement, or some other form) a few similar meetings (Bayes Pharma is of course another interesting one). 

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