Later this year, Anna, Mark, Nicky and I will organise and then teach on a 3-day workshop on Statistical Methods for the Value of Information Analysis.
Not-quite-by-chance, this will happen exactly the week before the European Conference of the Society for Medical Decision Making - we've been in talks with the organising committee and so our course is also advertised on their website, here.
We are finalising the schedule and will start advertisement very shortly, but we already know that the course will have a first introductory day in which we'll go through the basic concepts of Value of Information analysis - something like the one Nicky did in Bristol a couple of years ago.
The second and third day, on the other hand will be pretty much hands-on: we'll ask participants to bring their laptop so they can actually have a go at the methods based on non-parametric regression that both Mark and we have developed. In fact, unlike the very unwise child who's cheering for Excel, we'll do all this using R-based tools, which we have tried to make as friendly as possible, though...
I think we'll allow for flexible registration, so people could come for just the first day, or for the second and third day only, or for the full three days. The course is subsidised by UCL and the MRC Network of Hubs for Trials Methodology Research and so the registration fee will be very, very small (I think £10 for one-day; £20 for two-days and £30 for the full short course). I'll post more when all the links on the registration pages are up and running.
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