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Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Coming soon!

We've just received a picture of the cover of the BCEA book, which is really, really close to being finally published!

I did mention this in a few other posts (for example here and here) and it has been in fact a rather long process, so much so that I have made a point of joking in my talks about BCEA that we'd be publishing the book in 2036 - so we're in fact nearly 20 years early...

The official book website is actually already online and I'll prepare another one (I know, I know - it's empty for now!), where we'll put all the relevant material (examples, code, etc).

I think this may be very helpful for practitioners and our ambition is to make the use of BCEA as wide as possible among health economists - even those who do not currently use R. The final chapter of the book also presents our BCEAweb application, which can do (almost everything!) that the actual package can (the nice thing about it is that the computational engine is stored on a remote server and so the user does not even need to have R installed on their machine).

We'll probably have to make this part of the next edition of our summer school...

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