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Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Workshop on The Regression Discontinuity Design

As part of our bid to get an MRC grant (which we managed to do), we promised that, if successful, we'd also have a dissemination workshop, at the end of the project. Well, the project on the Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) has now finished for a few months, but we're keeping our word and we have actually organised something that, as it happens, has probably turned into something slightly bigger (and better!) than intended...

As I was talking to Marcos (who's a co-director of our MSc programme, which I've mentioned for example here), we realised that the RDD is in fact a common interest of ours and so I jumped on his offer to do something together.

The plan is to have a full day on the 27th June at the Institute of Fiscal Studies in London, with the idea of mixing economists, statisticians and epidemiologists. We have a nice line up of speakers - the original idea was more to show off the outputs of the project, but I think this works much better!

The registration is now open and free - all the relevant information is here!

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