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Friday, 10 November 2017

At the Oscars!

Well, these days being part of the glittering world of show-biz is not necessarily a good thing, but when your life is soooo glamorous that someone feels the unstoppable need to make a biopic of it... well, you really need to embrace your new status as a movie star and enjoy all the perks that life will now throw at you...

I know, I know... This is still about the Eurovision. But, this time they made a short video to tell the story - you may think the still above hows Marta and me, but these are actually two actors, playing us! 

I think they've made a very good job at rendering us - particularly me, I think. If you believe the movies: 
  • We (particularly I) are younger than we really are;
  • We drink a lot (although "Marta"'s drink 25 seconds in looks like a cross between Cranberry juice and the stuff they use to show vampires drinking human blood from hospital blood bags)...
  • We laugh a lot - I think this is kind of true, though...
  • I like how 1 min 24 seconds in, "Marta" authoritatively demands a kiss on the cheek and "my" response to that is covered by floating webpages - kind of rated R...
  • The storyline seems to suggest that we thought about doing this as wondered whether we should do a Bayesian model - of course that was never in question!...
Anyway, I think I need to thank the guys at Taylor & Francis (Clare Dodd, in particular), who've done an amazing job! 

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