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Wednesday, 9 October 2013

The (third) runway bride

I think I should disclaim the conflict of interest in this one (since Marta is one of the authors of the paper), but it was really, really cool to see her study on the impact on health of noise pollution close to airports in the newspapers today (for example here or here)! 

I thought that the Daily Mail would be also all over the news, while, interestingly, there's nothing on their homepage (although they do mention the article here).

I think the choice of pictures to accompany the articles is also quite interesting: The Guardian chose a rather romantic picture of an airplane taking off from Heathrow at dawn (or sunset - I couldn't quite tell), while both the BBC and the Daily Mail had pictures of airplanes extremely close to properties or the ground (well, they were landing, after all...).

The original paper is linked here.

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