Saturday, 30 November 2013


The results of the ISBA elections have come out and unfortunately, I've been beaten to the post of programme chair for the Section on Biostatistics and Pharmaceutical Statistics.

I am not sure by how much $-$ I meant to ask for more details, but I've been a bit busy last week and didn't have the time. I suspect that the fact that only current members of the sections were allowed to vote wasn't good for me, as, probably, it increased the incumbent's advantage. [CORRECTION: As per ISBA's official numbers, I actually lost 10-9]

Anyway, I should congratulate Telba Irony, who's been re-elected and hopefully get her to take some of my programme points (starting with sponsoring the next BayesPharma) on board anyway.


  1. Thanks for running, Gianluca, and I hope you will run again in the future! You have a lot to bring.

  2. Thanks for putting me up for it... And apparently it was a very tight one (10-9) $-$ not sure whether that's better or just more disappointing, though...
