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Wednesday, 23 September 2015

My compliments

I've been told of a nice review of BMHE in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, by Patrick Graham. I was very pleased by the review. Particularly about a couple of bits. One, for example, says
A general strength of the book is its anchoring in practical examples. This feature should appeal to its intended audience: students in an advanced course in health economics. Another attractive feature of the book is that the author has followed what might be called the “Gelman approach” of using very informative table headings and figure captions.
- a "Gelman approach" is kind of what I was going for, so that's very nice!

Another bit of which I was very pleased says
While the book would probably not suffice as a stand-alone text for a general course on Bayesian inference some of the examples could help enliven such a course by illustrating the application of Bayesian methods to complex models designed to inform important and difficult decisions.
which again was something I was aiming for, while writing the book.

On a related note, we're preparing some interesting (I think) changes/additions to BCEA - I'll blog about these soon!

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