Although I formally figure as one of the organisers, this time around Joe Standing did most of the work - but I'm posting to advertise the next edition of the UCLP Biostatistics Network Symposium. We've sort of skipped 2015, mainly for organisational reasons, but since the next edition will be very early in the new year I guess it's not that bad...
As usual, we'll have 3 sessions with one key-note speaker and two shorter presentations. Here's more information on registration (which is free for members of UCL or affiliated hospital/research unit staff and students and costs £30 for others).
Theme: Methods for Designing and Analysing Clinical Trials
Date: Thursday 18th Feb 2016, 09:30-17:00
Venue: Kennedy Lecture Theatre, UCL Institute of Child Health, 30 Guilford Street, London, WC1N 1EH
Session 1: Clinical trials in small populations/rare diseases
10:00-11:00 KEYNOTE: Prof Nigel Stallard, University of Warwick
11:00-11:30 Dr Tim Morris, UCL/MRC CTU
11:30-12:00 Dr Ronit Pressler, UCL/GOSH
Lunch break 45 min
Session 2: Pharmacometrics: Statistical pharmacology
12:45-13:45 KEYNOTE: Prof France Mentre, Paris V/INSERM
13:45-14:15 Dr Joe Standing, UCL
14:15-14:45 Dr Frank Kloprogge, UCL
Coffee break 15 min
Session 3: Designing studies in infectious diseases
15:00-16:00 KEYNOTE: Dr Patrick Phillips, UCL/MRC CTU
16:00-16:30 Prof David Dunn, UCL
16:30-17:00 Dr Sarah Edwards, UCL
Organisers: Prof Rumana Omar, Dr Sarah Edwards, Dr Gianluca Baio, Dr Joe Standing
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