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Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Picky people

Our book on Bayesian cost-effectiveness analysis using BCEA is out (I think as of last week). This has been a long process (I've talked about this here, here and here). 

Today I've come back to the office and have open the package with my copies. The book looks nice - I am only a bit disappointed about a couple of formatting things, specifically the way in which computer code got badly formatted in chapter 4. 
We had originally used specific font, but for some reason in that chapter all computer code is formatted in Times New Romans. I think we did check in the proofs and I don't recall seeing this (which, to be fair, isn't necessarily to swear that we didn't miss it, while checking...).

Not a biggie. But it bothers me, a bit. Well, OK: a lot. But then again, I am a(n annoyingly) picky person...

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