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Thursday, 21 May 2015

Bayes 2015

This week I'm in Basel for Bayes 2015. As usual lots of interesting talks and a very healthy mix of perspectives - if perhaps a bit less so than usual in terms of topics. I like this conference as it's always very helpful to get interesting ideas - often people do work in areas that are mostly unrelated with what I am working on, but there are commonalities and ideas for potential collaborations.

In keeping with last year's theme (when we tried hard to find Bayes' tomb in Bunhill Fields), almost by chance I stumbled on Jacob Bernoulli's tomb, yesterday during the city tour.

We had already decided that next year's conference will be in Leuven (but the news is now the social even has been also decided: a beer sampling tour) and we've also "volunteered" Virgilio to have the 2017 edition in Castilla-La Mancha - I guess we'll need to find an angle to prove that Don Quixote was a Bayesian... 

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