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Monday, 18 May 2015

That time of the year...

Slightly later than last year, but, like every year, that time is coming. Yes: Eurovision again. From our point of view, it's of course being a lot quieter than last year, although the paper is still going strong. 

But we've had two nice surprises: first we've been asked to give a radio interview on Australian radio. Why on earth, do you say? I'm glad you asked! Well, apparently, Australians looove the ESC - just to give you an idea, I think the radio programme is usually focussed on serious elections, but this week they dedicated the whole show to the ESC! 

Since this is the 60th edition, Australia have been invited to participate. So they'll feature later this week in Vienna and the people at Radio Adelaide have asked me to discuss our results (the podcast for the full programme is here - I'm on at around minute 15:00). If you get over how nasal my voice sounds and keep listening, you will also learn that the University of Melbourne has also recently activate a module on Eurovision! May be we have a career lined up...

The second interesting news is that we've been contacted by Taylor and Francis (the publisher of the Journal of Applied Statistics). They have had this amazing idea to promote the paper by turning it into a cartoon - here's a draft version (I think that the final one will be out shortly).

I think this is a super-cool idea - it's nerdy-fun and conveys the sense of the paper in a very clear way. Also, I really like the sketch of me!

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