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Thursday, 28 May 2015

Beta unblockers

A couple of weeks ago, we've uploaded the new version of BCEA on CRAN, to include the function implementing our method for the computation of the EVPPI based on INLA-SPDE - I've also already mentioned this here.

While this is a stable version, we are still continuously testing many of the functions and so I thought I'd keep a beta version on the BCEA website (I've uploaded both a .tar.gz and a .zip file). I will continue to modify this beta version in the next few months, including minor changes/improvements - I don't think these will really affect the basic use of BCEA, but may be relevant in terms of advanced users, for example for customisation of the graphs.

So, BCEA users out there: do tell us what you really, really want - we may even try and implement it for you...

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